
Here are some of the things people are saying about me:
“Here's the thing about Joyce. She's incredibly, stupidly, ridiculously resourceful. I've seen producers pull a rabbit out of their hat. We all have. With Joyce, it's like four rabbits, a bowl of soup, three bootleg Phish CDs, and a tire iron. She says it's because she's got dogged determination. Which she does. But I think there's something else going on. Like maybe she has pictures of really important people in compromising positions or something. I mean, it's just freaky weird. If you hire her –– and you should –– you need to be prepared for two things: 1) any other producers you have are going to have to work a lot harder just to keep up and 2) if you ever lose her, it will take at least three people to replace her. Just so you know.”
Brian B, Owner, Belefant

“I've been working in advertising and film/video production for damn near 40 years and about half of the people I've dealt with are jerks I have no desire to ever see again. On the other hand, a small percentage are folks that make it all worth the effort. For three years Joyce & I have worked together on jobs for which she's hired/managed me, but we've never met…one of those 2,000 mile relationships! But I've never known a more pleasant and professional person. This woman knows her business, plays fair, and leaves a wake of respect. I'm happy to recommend her." Bradford F, President, Creative Director, Florida Film & Tape

“Joyce is a fantastic production manager. She's amazingly organized, extremely efficient, and great to work with. During the time that we collaborated on a variety of advertising projects, it was clear that she possessed the skills to get the job done. Of all of the broadcast managers and producers I've worked with over the many years, I truly feel that Joyce is one of the best."Jeff H, VP of Production, World Wide Wadio